Mckenzie Mist Suffers Catastrophic Losses in Holiday Fire


Mckenzie Mist Water Company’s Blue River facility was destroyed by the Holiday Fire, but the company is reimagining and rebuilding. The company’s President, Molly Morris was able to provide an update on current status in the note below.

To all our collective McKenzie Mist Water Company Family: 

We are heartbroken to announce that the Morris Family and our business McKenzie Mist Water Company have suffered catastrophic losses as the Holiday Farm Fire burned and devastated the community of Blue River and surrounding areas. Lost in the inferno were our water bottling plant, production and storage facilities and vehicles. Our home, on the same private property, was also destroyed. Our 2 sons’ homes were also burned to the ground. 

The irony that the WATER company was lost to FIRE is not lost on us! We are not yet able to return to our land to begin the unhappy work of clearing away the debris. We don’t know how long it will take to re-build our infrastructure so that we can resume bottling our delicious water and delivering it to our eager customers, many of whom literally burst into tears upon hearing of this loss. It’s unclear right now what the immediate future will look like, but we already have the seed of a potential new game plan planted and sprouted and sending out roots, seeking water to help it grow and flourish. After all, we still have the heartbeat of our business: pure McKenzie Mist Water, running deep, unharmed, unconcerned and unaffected 280 feet below ground, away from the flames and the smoke and the ash, protected and encased in solid basalt rock. 

For the past 25 years we have been so proud to be of service to our community and our customers by providing the essential health catalyst that is McKenzie Mist water. At times of emergency or celebration, McKenzie Mist would be present. At this time of great loss and great need it is yet another sorrow to us that we cannot provide help and assistance to others who have lost their homes, and to the fire fighters and emergency personnel. That this time, we are not on scene donating precious drinking water. 

We are humbled and touched by the hundreds of messages of sympathy and support we have received. And by the outpouring offers of help and assistance that have reached us via various channels of communication. We want to thank everyone who has reached out and offered us comfort. It has helped remind us that what we have done in the past is appreciated and valued and that what we do in the future is important. It helps us look ahead with hope and determination. We have teamed up with South Fork Coffee & Water Company. They are another local company who will provide us with bottled water so that we may resume home and office deliveries immediately. 

For the time being, hours at our own retail store and the water supply there may be may interrupted. Please call ahead or check our FB page. With luck, smarts, and your continued support we will be able to resume operations sooner rather than later. Please monitor our Facebook page, our website, and your emails for updates. 

If you would like to help, Please Click Here for McKenzieMist Go Fund Me Link

Soon, three generations of the Morris family will be stewards of our land and our resource. What a story we will have to tell this new child born of fire and water! And what an amazing community of compassionate, loyal, big-hearted, brave and soulful people he is destined to join! May we all move past this adversity with grace, and see a return to the peaceful, loving, and productive existence we yearn for. 

With love and a heart full of awe and wonder,

Molly Morris

McKenzie Mist Naturally Pure Artesian Water Company

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