Food Business Unpacked:  Crafting The Future Of Food
6:00 PM18:00

Food Business Unpacked: Crafting The Future Of Food

With three locations and an incredible diversity of programs and facilities, the OSU Food Science and Technology department drives collaboration and innovation across the state of Oregon. We'll hear more about the ways that OSU is working to advance safe and sustainable food production in Oregon including the future Center of Innovation Excellence for Sustainable and Resilient Food and Beverage Manufacturing is pursuing. Come learn more about how you and your company can leverage the expertise and resources from one of your statewide research universities!

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Open Office Hours
9:00 AM09:00

Open Office Hours

Eugene’s Table provides no cost mentoring to food and beverage entrepreneurs. Anyone can sign up for 30 minutes of free business advising with Director, Micah Elconin. The Open Office hour sessions are offered on the last Tuesday of every month.

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Growing People 2022
to Jun 30

Growing People 2022

  • Google Calendar ICS

Growing People is a food and beverage focused education program that prepares employees to address the challenges we face every day in manufacturing. We teach people how to improve effectiveness throughout their operation, focusing on using the best tools and creating positive change and improvements that are sustainable.

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Connect with Graduating Seniors at Spring Hiring Fair
to May 14

Connect with Graduating Seniors at Spring Hiring Fair

Connected Lane County would like to invite you to participate in it’s upcoming virtual Hiring Fair. Every year the organization invites Lane County’s graduating seniors (and 2020 graduates) to a hiring event in order to connect them to local jobs. The experience will be entirely virtual and span 4 weeks. Businesses will only participate in week 1 and week 4 events.

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OMEP Food Safety Cohort
to May 25

OMEP Food Safety Cohort

OMEP invites you to participate in this virtual 8-part Food Safety Cohort which is designed to help small food manufacturers implement an actionable and sustainable food safety program that opens doors to new business opportunities.

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