Mexico Market Testing with ODA


The Western United States Agricultural Trade Association (WUSATA®) and the 13 Western State Departments of Agriculture announce participation and registration in an organized market testing program in Mexico.

What's Included:

WUSATA's Mexico Market Survey will allow your company to send up to two (2) products SKUs in market to be sampled, with survey feedback provided back to the company.

Some survey questions may include:

  • Is this category trending in Mexico?

  • What do you think of the taste profile?

  • What do you think of the packaging?

  • Would you buy this product?

Given Mexico's large, diversified market, most U.S. products and services have ample opportunities.  The new U.S. - Mexico - Canada Agreement (USMCA) seeks to generate even more opportunities for U.S. companies, and bilateral trade will continue to grow. 

Suitable products include: Consumer-ready products, specialty foods, food service products, health foods, beverages, and packaged and branded grains

Benefits of Participation:

  • Access information on your product from top importers

  • Learn how your product may perform in Mexico

  • Receive detailed feedback on your specific product and how the Mexico market is trending in your food/beverage category

  • Work closely with WUSATA's contractor in Mexico to maximize your survey and develop market access to desirable markets in Mexico

Important Dates:

  • August 1, 2020 - Send products to Mexico (instructions to be provided)

  • October 31, 2020 - Feedback will be given by this date

Participation Fee: $100 per company. Registration Deadline: July 24, 2020 

Send Questions to Erick Garman at

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