Mountain Rose Herbs Announces New Ownership

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Mountain Rose Herbs (MRH) is pleased to announce that Shawn Donnille, former co-owner and CEO of MRH, has purchased full ownership of the company from longtime business partner, Julie Bailey. 

Founded in 1987 as a mail-order company, MRH is a purveyor of herbs, spices, teas, essential oils, and herbal DIY ingredients. It is now one of the largest suppliers of organic herbs in the nation. Julie Bailey purchased the company in 1991 and first hired environmental activist Shawn Donnille to manage the shipping department. Over the ensuing years, Donnille guided MRH toward the organic certification that is a hallmark of the company today and he built the company’s first website, making MRH the only herbal sales company in the United States to sell products online at that time. In 2001, Donnille became a co-owner of MRH and he and Bailey moved the business to Oregon to be closer to the company’s farm operators, wild harvesters, and processors. This move enabled MRH to become a certified organic processor through Oregon Tilth, and to establish an on-site laboratory and quality control department that is unmatched in the industry.

Bailey and Donnille stepped back from management in 2017, turning the day to day operations over to an executive team while Donnille devoted his time to environmental causes and groups. He came back into an active role as CEO of MRH in February 2020, just as the first Covid-19 cases were reaching Oregon. Overseeing the company during the pandemic has been galvanizing. “I came back on as the CEO in February, which also coincided with COVID…” says Donnille. “Quite honestly, I have never experienced anything more paramount in my life.”

After nearly three decades of leadership, Julie Bailey was ready to retire and pass on ownership of MRH to her trusted partner.

“On September 30th, I bought out my partner of 20 years, and most trusted friend, Julie Bailey,” said Donnille of the occasion. “I am thrilled to announce that I am now the sole owner of Mountain Rose Herbs. Both Julie and I co-owned and successfully managed the company from 2000-2020 and with fond memories I wish her the best for her retirement.”

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