ODA Offering Complimentary Exhibitor Space at the Good Food Foundation - Portland Mercantile

The Oregon Department of Agriculture is excited to provide an opportunity for select producers to receive complimentary exhibitor space at the inaugural Portland Good Food Mercantile!

  • The Mercantile will take place Friday, April 29, 2022 in inner SE Portland.

  • We are looking for food and/or beverage producers who meet the criteria below.


  • Must be made with a majority (more than 50%) of specialty crop ingredients.

  • Woman-, minority- or veteran-owned.

  • Rurally-owned businesses as defined by the USDA.

  • Business is ready for growing sales show through in distribution or working with wholesale accounts.

  • Meet the Good Food Foundation Guidelines (see below).

    • Made in the USA or US territories.

    • Made with a balanced objective of local, organic, and highest quality.

    • Made with transparency and traceability in the supply chain.

    • Made with rBGH-free milk, where milk is used.

    • Made with domestic, non-petroleum-based vinegar, where vinegar is used.

    • Free of genetically modified ingredients.

    • Free of artificial ingredients, including colors, flavors, and preservatives.

    • Made by a crafter that is an upstanding member of the good food community, committed to equity and inclusion in all levels of their business.

APPLICATION: Producers may apply online.


  • Registration closes February 25, 2022.

  • Applications will be scored and reviewed by a committee assembled by the Oregon Dept of Agriculture.

  • 12 companies will be selected for participation.

  • Each selected company will receive an individual crafter table free of charge.

    • Each crafter showing at the Mercantile is given a six (6) foot table, a neutral linen, a crafter sign, two (2) crafter badges and a small trash receptacle. Both cold and dry storage warehousing is also provided for crafters who would like to ship product ahead of time. Company information will be listed in the Good Food Mercantile Directory.

    • For an additional fee, crafters can request electricity, coolers, wine glasses or a champagne bucket.

    • All additional trade show expenses including marketing materials, sample product and travel costs are the responsibility of the participating company

  • Announcements made to food/beverage companies the week of March 14, 2022.

  • All participating companies are required complete a post-event survey to analyze the success.

If you are not selected, there will still be an opportunity to purchase a tabletop space via the Good Food Foundation.

How do you know your business is ready to meet with the buyers in attendance?

  • Your product has been sold wholesale to local groceries for over a year. You have determined your COGs, pricing and margins. You understand your product movement.

  • Your product is packaged for retail and has UPC codes.

  • Your product is in wholesale distribution or you ship your product direct to wholesale accounts across the country.

  • You have a promotional plan in place.

  • You have funding to open new grocery stores, warehouses and pay for placement and promotional programs.

  • You know what your product’s unique value proposition is and how to explain this succinctly to grocery buyers.

If you feel that you are not ready for this exhibitor opportunity, but are interested in attending, there is an incubator space via Getting Your Recipe to Market, Xxcelerate and Built Oregon. If you are not already connected, please reach out to hannah.kathryn.kullberg@gmail.com for introductions.

For more information about the subsidized booth application, please reach out to Erick Garman with the Oregon Dept of Agriculture at Erick.GARMAN@oda.oregon.gov.

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