Small Businesses Hoping Pandemic Won't Entirely Sink Holiday Sales


Now is not the time to abandon your local small businesses. 

The pandemic will keep shoppers from making their regular rounds this holiday season, and some small businesses worry they might be forgotten even by those with a shop-local mentality just when the Christmastime bump could be more important than ever.

Farmers Union Coffee Roasters has been focused on marketing wholesale products to cafes and restaurants, Pettus-Czar said. He said this year his business is hoping to make up for some lost sales by marketing their coffee as a gift for the whole office.

What better gift for employees from the boss than locally made coffee? 

"Businesses like ours in food and beverage and hospitality are really struggling right now. We thought it'd be cool to reach out to these folks to see if they'd be interested in buying our bags of coffee, which we're offering at wholesale prices," Pettus-Czar said. 

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