Broadway Streatery Open for Business


As of July 16, the section of Broadway between Willamette and Olive will be closed to motor vehicle traffic to enable expanded café seating for area bars and restaurants. People walking and people using non-motorized vehicles like bicycles, skateboards or roller skates are encouraged to use the travel lanes for through travel and business access. 

The Broadway Streatery is a temporary measure to support business activity, safe social gathering and community recovery in response to COVID-19. The initiative will be evaluated on an ongoing basis to determine whether it is having a positive impact for downtown Eugene and our community as whole. If it is successful, the Broadway Streatery will remain open until at least October 31, 2020.

The City of Eugene is working directly with the business owners on this section of Broadway, who are all supportive of this arrangement. Closing the street to motor vehicles will allow businesses that serve food and beverage to expand their square footage into the right of way (sidewalks and parking spaces), allowing for safe physical distancing between customers in an outdoor environment. Physical distancing and proper hand hygiene are strongly encouraged and face coverings are required if 6-feet of distance cannot be maintained. Each business on this section of Broadway will receive 480 KN95 masks to hand out to patrons, part of the 26,000 masks the City has received from Business Oregon to support businesses reopening. 

To learn more about how the City of Eugene is working with the community to safely reopen and support local economic development and community recovery, please visit: (English) or (Spanish). Contact: Eric Brown, Downtown Manager (541-682-5208).

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